So you've binge watched the Tiger King on Netflix, LegoMasters on Hulu, Onward on Disney+ and Contagion on AppleTV (maybe more)... now onto something productive.
Since you are likely experiencing a "Stay Home Stay Safe" type directive and you have nowhere to be, this is a perfect time to improve yourself and your circumstances. If you spend some time now to develop, it will make a huge impact in the long run.
It is hard to believe that ONE YEAR AGO I embarked on this journey to create It has been a very rewarding experience that has helped me to assist others, and and learn a lot about myself.
There was a lot of things to learn from the 2018 Structural Engineers Association of Utah (SEAU) Conference. Here are links to all of the seminar recaps that I have put together...
Being ethical can be hard, so here are some engineering ethics basics (adapted from the presentation by Barry Arnold, PE, SE*) to help you understand the goals of the Code of Ethics and ways to avoid ethical traps...
A lot of older homes are in need of a seismic retrofit before the next earthquake hits. Here are some basics (adapted from the presentation by Barry H. Welliver, SE*) of what to know with a residential retrofit...
Here are a few take aways (adapted from the presentation by Phil Miller, SE*) on the podium portion of two stage analysis that you should understand...
Avoid getting into any problems by knowing these basics (adapted from the presentation by Ryan Cole, PhD, PE and Ryan Maw, PE, GE*) when using geotechnical data...