Job Search Archives - The Hipster Engineer
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Job Search

So you've binge watched the Tiger King on Netflix, LegoMasters on Hulu, Onward on Disney+ and Contagion on AppleTV (maybe more)... now onto something productive. Since you are likely experiencing a "Stay Home Stay Safe" type directive and you have nowhere to be, this is a perfect time to improve yourself and your circumstances. If you spend some time now to develop, it will make a huge impact in the long run.

While at BYU for the ASCE Student Group seminar, I presented on my "THE" Job Search Tips. These tips encompassed the following topics:
  • Internships/Jobs
  • Resumes and Cover Letters
  • Job Search Strategy
  • Interviews
  • Landing Your First Job
I did not leave enough time for questions at the end, which I regret, so if you were there (or not) and have any questions on your mind please email me directly or comment on this post.
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